Mountains Fencing Club Inc.
powered by TidyHQGetting involved
Getting involved
MFC is a not-for-profit community club entirely run by a great crew of voluteers – committee members, coaches, training assistants, armourers, soft armourer, quartermaster, fundraisers etc.
The club's committee is a dedicated group of fencers, parents/guardians and coaches who are responsible for the governance of the club as an incorporated association.
The club welcomes all members and parents/guardians to get involved – by serving on the committee, or by offering the club your special skills, helping out at events and just generally being a part of fostering a fantastic club culture. Volunteering with the club is a great way to share your expertise, learn new skills, meet new people and have fun!
If you're interested in getting involved please get in touch.
All volunteers must complete the PBTR Child Protection online course – and renew this every two years
All volunteers aged 18 years and over must have a Working with Children Check (WWCC)
Please email your PBTR certificate, your WWCC and your date of birth to info@mountainsfencingclub.org.au
For anyone interested in understanding committee roles, responsibilities and best practice, a list of helpful resources is below.
Governance and operations
NSW Fair Trading – information on running an association (Mountains Fencing Club is an incorporated association with NSW Fair Trading)
NSW Office of Sport – information for running a sports club
ClubHelp – a VIC organisation but with a lot of great resources
Not-for-profit-Law (by Justice Connect) – a charity legal service with excellent resources on governance and operations
Governance for good: the ACNC's guide for charity board members – from the Federal Government's 'Austraian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission'
Good governance principles and guidance for Not-for-profit organisations – From the Australian Institute of Company Directors
Sports Governance Principles – from AIS
Youth participation guidelines – from AIS
General resources
Play by the rules – training, templates, research etc
NSW Office of Sport – grants, governance, operations, research etc
Our Community – governance, training, fundraising etc
Supporting mental wellbeing in community sport – resources from Orygen
SportAUS – grants, governance, operations, research from the Australian Sports Commission
SportAUS – governance training