Mountains Fencing Club Inc.
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Governance and operations
MFC is a not-for-profit incorporated association run by a committee which, in collaboration with the coaching team, is responsible for the Club's governance and operations. All people involved in governance, coaching, and all other roles, are volunteers.
Public officer
Anton Duc
Richard Emmerick
Winnie Hua – treasurer, accredited Youth Mental Health First-Aider
Takao Jawor
Steph Tsai – vice president, accredited Youth Mental Health First-Aider, athletes' representative (Represents the best interests of the athletes to the committee. Any Club fencer can contact the Athlete's Representative in person or by email to have their requests and concerns heard and attended to.)
Dr Alessandra Wollaston – president
Dr Andrew Yip – secretary, accredited Youth Mental Health First-Aider
We welcome feedback and suggestions from members – all committee members can be reached via the committee email address.
Member protection information officer (MPIO)
Stephanie Tsai, accredited Youth Mental Health First-Aider
Roy Carter
Rob Grieve